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Bell Schedule/Uniform Information

A Message from Ms. Ceballos, School Counselor:

This year there will be an even bigger emphasize in our students’ social emotional and mental health. Students will learn, understand, and be able to apply essential social emotional concepts as well as useful coping skills. Students will learn these skills through monthly class guidance lessons led by me, your school counselor!

Additionally, individual student meetings with me are available for students who request it, are referred by a teacher, or at the request of a parent. These individual student meetings consist of emotional and behavior check-ins and teaching and practicing social- emotional skills or coping skills that may benefit the student’s personal needs.  

An important program that will begin to be implemented in GISD, including Desert Trail Elementary this academic school year, will be The Capturing Kids Heart Program. The purpose of this program is to target and reduce bullying behaviors at our school while implementing supportive measures and restorative practices. This will be achieved by teaching students what bullying is, how to recognize it, and teach them what to do if they get bullied or witness bullying happening in order to prevent those negative behaviors from happening again. All Desert Trail staff including cafeteria staff, custodians, teachers, office staff, and Instructional assistants have been trained on how to handle all bullying situations effectively and appropriately. As part of the program, each classroom will have a weekly class meeting, where students will have an opportunity to better express themselves, discuss individual and classroom concerns, and create a better classroom connection.  

Finally, there will be a lot of reward opportunities for students who demonstrate positive behaviors. Students will have the opportunity to receive prizes or rewards on an individual level and as a classroom for positive behaviors they demonstrate toward each other and to themselves. Student of the week in each classroom will also be implemented this school year once again to reward students who demonstrate good character qualities such as responsibility, kindness, fairness, trustworthiness, respect, and citizenship.  

I look forward to your continued support!

SCHOOL Attendance

ATTENDANCE IS TAKEN DAILY and entered in the system. The system is connected to the STATE, for this reason parents must ensure to call the school to report any ABSENCE due to: 

*doctor appointment
*family emergencies

This will help us, help you! 🤝

Please reference Policy J-0500 JE Student Attendance and Policy J-0511 JE-R Attendance Records 
Updated School Board Policies-11-16-2020.pdf under School Board

LET’S WORK TOGETHER in our students’ best Interest. ❤️

All students are expected to attend class EVERY DAY! 

🤩Mr. Dempsey, Superintendent, in collaboration with Ms. Rosy Villalobos, Federal Programs have purchased supplies for all our students!!!!! Each student will only need to purchase a backpack for the upcoming 24/25 School Year!!!

The district is working very hard in providing supports to families to reduce the financial burden of purchasing supplies especially for those with multiple children. This will help parents/guardians turn their attention to supporting their child by sending them to school every day and collaborating with their child's teacher to ensure the student makes academic gains!

¡El Sr. Dempsey, Superintendente, en colaboración con la Sra. Rosy Villalobos, Programas Federales han comprado útiles para todos nuestros estudiantes! ¡Cada estudiante solo necesitará comprar una mochila para el próximo año escolar 24/25!

El distrito está trabajando arduamente para brindar apoyo a las familias para reducir la carga financiera de la compra de suministros, especialmente para aquellas con varios hijos. ¡Esto ayudará a los padres/tutores a centrar su atención en apoyar a sus hijos enviándolos a la escuela todos los días y colaborando con el maestro de sus hijos para garantizar que el estudiante obtenga logros académicos!

A report card with straight As

All work assigned to students will be GRADED.📝

Students on quarantine will still complete assignments via Google Classroom, missing work may negatively impact their grades.

DTE Proficiency Grading Scale - Gadsden ISD

✂️Grades earned by the work students complete, will be entered into the system.

The recognition and honors program at Desert Trail Elementary School is designed to recognize the achievement of those students who demonstrated that they excel in all aspects of being a good student.  This includes academics, citizenship, and attendance. 

Students who have unexcused absences; excessive tardies (three or more each grading period); discipline referrals to the principal; or unacceptable classroom conduct, as determined by and documented by the teacher, will NOT be eligible for recognition.

Each student must meet the following criteria:

HONOR ROLL: K-6th All students who are proficient or advanced, (No C’s), Satisfactory in all areas and NO unexcused absences and 3 or less tardies. 

Proficiency/Advanced Banquet at the end of the year will include students that have remained in the honor list for all grading periods with no unexcused absences and less than 3 tardies every 9 weeks.

PERFECT ATTENDANCE K-6th No absences (full-day or half-day attendance is taken at 10:00am and 12:30 pm) and 3 or less tardies.


El programa de reconocimiento por obtener proficiencia o avanzado de la escuela primaria Desert Trail esta diseñado para reconocer los logros de los estudiantes que han demostrado en todos los aspectos de ser buen alumno.  Esto incluye académicamente, ser buen ciudadano, y también asistencia

Los estudiantes con faltas excesivas, llegadas tardes excesivas (tres o mas en cada nueve semanas); visitas a la dirección por disciplina;  o conducta inaceptable en el salón determinada y documentada por la/el maestro, NO son elegibles para ser reconocidos. 

Cada estudiante debe cumplir con lo siguiente:

LISTA DE HONOR: K-6th TODOS los estudiantes que son proficientes o avanzados, (No C’s) satisfactorio en todas las areas y NINGUNA ausencia injustificada y 3 o menos llegadas tardes. 

El Banquete de proficiente o avanzado al final del año escolar incluira a estudiantes que han estado en la lista de honor todas las 4 nueve semanas con ninguna falta injustificada y menos de 3 llegadas tardes en cada 9 semanas.

ASISTENCIA PERFECTA: K-6th No faltas (dia completo o medio dia-asistencia se toma a las 10:00am y 12:30pm) y tres o menos llegadas tarde.

REQUIRED/REQUERIDO 24-25 SY Uniform Policy/Politica de uniforme: Maroon or Grey Polo Shirt, T-shirt with School Logo with khaki or blue uniform pants, shorts, skirts, dark blue jeans, no jeggingss  no tears and no designs/Camisa polo guinda o gris, camiseta con el logo escolar con pantalon de uniforme, falda, pantalon corto khaki o Azul obscuro y pantalon de mezclilla azul obscuro sin disenos, sin rompidas y no jeggings

Attendance/Asistencia: Attendance is taken at 10:00 am and 12:30 pm please schedule doctor appointments after 2:50 pm/Asistencia se toma a las 10:00am y 12:30 pm por favor programe citas despues de las 2:50pm

Homework/Tareas: Students are assigned homework Monday-Thursday/Tarea es asignada a los estudiantes de Lunes a Jueves

Locked Doors/Puerta Cerrada: For security reasons, all doors are locked.  Please ring the doorbell/Por cuestiones de seguridad todas las puertas estan cerradas con llave.  Presione el timbre

  • Please make sure your son/daughter is in school on time and every day ready to shine!
  • Schedule your appointments after 3:00 pm during the testing window to allow your child the opportunity to show everything he/she has learned
  • Make sure your child gets a good night sleep and is in school on time to eat breakfast.  Arrival time for Kinder-6th 7:35-7:55 am.  If your child arrives at 7:55 or later, you are required to sign them in at the front office. 


  • Por favor asegurese de que su hijo/a llegue a tiempo a la escuela todos los dias listo para demostrar todas sus destrezas
  • Programe citas despues de las 3:00 pm durante la ventana de pruebas dandole la oportunidad a su hijo de demostrar todos sus talentos academicos
  • Asegure que su hijo tenga un buen descanso por la noche y llegue a tiempo para el desayuno.  La hora de llegada es Kinder-6to to 7:35-7:55 am Usted tendra que firmar en la oficina si trae al alumno a las 7:55 o despues, llegada tarde.




🥙 LUNCH and RECESS 45 minutes
(Time depends on grade level)


🟣 If parents/guardians need to pick up students before the end of the school day, they must call and inform the office staff and arrive PRIOR to 2:30 PM 🍎  This helps us follow the routines that we have implemented for the safe release of students at the end of the school day. 

PowerSchool Parent Portal provides you access to information including your child's attendance, grades and assignments.  Join now!  Request the form today.

El portal de padres le da acceso a informacion sobre el progreso academico de su hijo/a como tambien asistencia y tareas.  Pida su forma hoy!

Email address is required to join/direccion de correo electronico es requerido.

Register your child for the upcoming school year, 2024-2025 if your child is NEW to the district or if your child is a new kindergarten student!  Matricule a su alumno para el proximo ano escolar, 2024-2025 si es nuevo a nuestro distrito o si es un alumno nuevo de kinder!




Charger is lost/stolen/damaged


Cracked screen/broken keyboard


Broken Screen




Broken Camera $15

Chromebook battery


Parental Involvement (MONTHLY) Previously titled, Coffee with the Principal

Please join us for our monthly meetings \Acompañenos a las juntas mensuales:

These will be advertised in our school calendar and sent via Remind as a text message and Facebook/recordatorios seran enviados por Remind como tambien en nuestro calendario y facebook.


Sonia Barajas, Principal

Karesa Aguilar, Assistant Principal

Marisela Ceballos, School Counselor


Desert Trail Elementary, 310 E. Lisa Drive, Chaparral, NM 88081
Phone: 575-824-6500 | Fax: 575-824-3390